Portable Universal Penetrometer


ASTM D5, D217, D1168, D1191, D1321, D1403, D1831, D1855; AASHTO T49, T187

The penetrometer is a direct reading instrument for precision penetration measurements of bituminous materials and cement.

SKU: H-1250 Category:

Portable Universal Penetrometer

The portable universal penetrometer is a direct reading instrument for precision penetration measurements of bituminous materials and cement.  The unit has a 5″ diameter indicator dial, graduated in 400 divisions of 0.1mm, corresponding to 40mm penetration.  Preset to zero to eliminate errors.

The portable penetrometer is lighter and smaller than the manual penetrometer and is ideal for field work because of its compact weight and size.  The unit’s micrometer adjusts for accurate settings, as well as coarse adjustment for approximate settings.  It includes one 50g loading weight and a bituminous materials needle that is 40-45mm in length (H-1280).


Weight 14 lbs
Dimensions 20 × 10 × 10 in

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Portable Universal Penetrometer Portable Universal Penetrometer
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