Economy Auger Assembly


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Economy Auger Assembly

The economy auger assembly has a unique hard-faced and cupped blade. The ideal blade  augers shallow holes in fine grained soils.  Use little effort to turn the auger and advance the hole. As the blade diameter exceeds the bucket diameter to produce a 3 5/8″ diameter hole.


  • Heavy gauge, heat treated carbon steel bucket for long life
  • Cupped blades of unique design to facilitate hold advancement
  • Carbon steel auger heads, extensions and cross handle – zinc electroplated for rust resistance
  • Quick connect pins avoid use of wrenches
  • All stainless steel hand auger assemblies are available for environmental sampling
  • A special windowed bucket is available for use in stick clay soils

Part#                    Description                                                                       
S-110          3.25″ Economy Auger Assembly (auger head, T-handle, 1 extension with connectors)
S-11004     3.25″ Economy Auger Assembly with 3 Extra Extensions
S-110M      Mud Hand Auger Assembly
S-111         3.25″ Stainless Hand Auger Assembly (auger head, T-handle, 1 extension with connectors)


Data Sheet

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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