Universal Vertical Capper

Universal Vertical Capper



Works for 4”, 3” and 2” capping, with a simple change of the plate. It assures smooth, and right-angle end surfaces when capping concrete test cylinders.

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Universal Vertical Capper

The universal vertical capper works for 4”, 3” and 2” capping, with a simple change of the plate. It assures smooth, and right-angle end surfaces when capping concrete test cylinders.  The cylinder sets into the mold against the upright guide after filling the recess with molten capping compound.

Its bottom plate is 1” thick steel and is ground to 0.002” planeness with a separate ring to form the recess.  The ring and vertical guide are also removable to permit regrinding to proper planeness after extended use.

Sizes Available

  • 4″
  • 3″
  • 2″


Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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