Large Capacity Oven


Large Capacity Oven A Large Capacity Oven has a design to handle a wide variety of applications, requiring a maximum temperature of 400°F with a ±0.5% control accuracy. In addition a ±8°F uniformity for efficient drying of large samples. All models feature an analog thermocouple-actuated, temperature controller and a 1/3 HP motor with a 400…



Large Capacity Oven

A Large Capacity Oven has a design to handle a wide variety of applications, requiring a maximum temperature of 400°F with a ±0.5% control accuracy. In addition a ±8°F uniformity for efficient drying of large samples. All models feature an analog thermocouple-actuated, temperature controller and a 1/3 HP motor with a 400 CFM blower. The units have 304 stainless steel interiors, explosion venting latches and incoloy sheathed tubular heating elements. Ovens include two (2) 50lb capacity nickel plated wired shelves. Shelves fit on any of the 10 support channels, which are located on 3” centers. To accommodate needs extra shelves are available to order. Please inquire.

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Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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