The digital length comparator measures the length changes of hardened cement paste, mortar and concrete prismatic specimens. The indicator mounts on a sturdy upright support that attaches to a solid triangular base. The unit includes stationary and movable anvils designed to fit gage studs, which are cast into test specimens. In addition, it also includes an invar reference bar. The length comparator accommodates test specimens that have a 4″ x 4″ cross section or smaller.
Accessories and Replacement Parts
H-3249A Invar Reference Bar for 10” Specimen H-3249A.16 Invar Reference Bar for 16” Specimen H-3250.7 Elevating Screw (Nut Collar & Anvil Assembly) H-3250.8 Adapter for 5” Specimen H-3250.3D Replacement Digital Indicator H-3250.3 Replacement Dial Indicator
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